This website is operated by Ethiopian Pediatrics Society. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Ethiopian Pediatrics Society (EPS). And the terms "you", "your", "they" refer to the visitors or users or loggers. EPS offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you, the user, conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies and notices stated here.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully before you start to use the Websites. By using the Websites or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use in addition to
- our Privacy Policy, found at https://www.epseth.com/updates-on-immunization/home/privacy-policy, incorporated herein by reference; and
- our Manuscript Submission Policy, found at https://www.epseth.com/updates-on-immunization/home/manuscript, incorporated herein by reference.
- our Constitutional Law, found at https://www.epseth.com/story-50011108-EPS-Constitution-EPS-Constitution-Member,
The Foundation name ’Ethiopian Pediatrics Society’ (EPS) (https://www.epseth.com), Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health (https://www.ejpch.net/index.php/ejpch), logo and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are trademarks of the ETHIOPIAN PEDIATRICS SOCIETY. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of the EPS. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans on this Websites are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Intellectual property
The site and all of its original content are the sole property of EPS and are as such, fully protected by the appropriate international copyright and other intellectual property right.
Disclaimer of Warranties
You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the internet or the Websites will be free of viruses or other destructive code. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti-virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to our site for any reconstruction of any lost data. WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY A DISTRIBUTED DENIAL-OF-SERVICE ATTACK, VIRUSES OR OTHER TECHNOLOGICALLY HARMFUL MATERIAL THAT MAY INFECT YOUR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT, COMPUTER PROGRAMS, DATA OR OTHER PROPRIETARY MATERIAL DUE TO YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITES OR ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITES OR TO YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON IT, OR ON ANY WEBSITES LINKED TO IT.
EPS reserves the right to terminate your access to the site, without any advance notice if you are caught trying to do a suspecious activity, such as trying to execute a malicious query on our URL, on the given forms etc. Without giving you a warning we can retain your data information on the website, and thus will not allow you to access our site ever again.
We will terminate and retain your data information if you violate or if your activity on our website is more or less a behaviour of cyber criminal. The following are list of cyber criminal behaviors.
- Display, send, receive, or store obscene or inappropriate content.
- Threaten, harass, stalk, defame, or defraud any person or entity.
- Violate copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws.
- Advertise, promote, endorse, or market, directly or indirectly, any third party commercial products, services, solutions, or other technologies.
- Attempt to collect, store, or publish personally identifiable information
- without the owner’s knowledge and consent or
- of a minor under the age of thirteen (13) in any circumstance.
- Distribute unwanted, unsolicited, or harassing mass email or other messages, promotions, advertising, or solicitations (“spam”).
- Send deceptive or false source-identifying information, including “spoofing” or “phishing.”
- Access or use any application, system, service, tool, data, account, network, or content without authorization or for unintended purposes.
- Disable, disrupt, circumvent, interfere with, or otherwise violate the security of the Site.
- Attack, abuse, interfere with, intercept, disrupt, or exploit any users, systems, or services, regardless of how accomplished and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, including but not limited to Denial of Service (DoS), monitoring, crawling, spamming, using bots or scripts, or distributing malware (such as viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, or adware).
- Engage in or promote any illegal or criminal activity such as child pornography, gambling, or piracy.
- Authorize, permit, enable, induce, or encourage any third party to do any of the above.
Please use our system in decency all the time. When it comes to messaging/chatting with other users, or while you are on our discussion forum, please be responsible and a good citizen as you use our system. We will remove your posts without notifying you unless it is an appropriate message. Please be ware that we have a prism software that allows to listen to all communication that are running through our site server. Swearing words and cursing words is not allowed or tolerated. Please use our system in decency.
We Store personal data
- Location: we collect this information because we want to make sure that our system synchronizes you with the location that you have used while registering or logged in and begin your activity on our platform. This days hackers tend to mask their location while they try and send a spam data on a website.
- Device you are using: we collect this data to see which device is mostly used by our user and we use this data to make our platform compatible with the device that you are using while you are accessing our site (for eg. Windows, Apple, hand held device (mobile) etc...)
- browser: we strongly recommend that you use the latest browser. The benefit of using the latest browser is explained below in the section How to use our Website.
- time and date: we collect the time and date of your visit to our site. For more information about our data collection please go to our Privacy Policy section.
How to use our website
The benefit of upgrading your browser to the latest version is
- Your browser loads the website quickly
- Enable to display all the contents of the site (such as media’s like Video and audio )
- Chance of overloading your computer will decrease
- Protects you from suspecious site that may affect your personal computer
Conference Registration
We have prepared an online registration form on our conference page, If you register and participate on the conference you can generate an EPS registered Certificate. When you register please give your full name meaning your father’s name. We only use your given name to generate a certificate. Any spelling error in your name is your own fault. EPS does not make a correction of your name. We encourage you before you hit the register button make sure that you did not make any spelling error on your name. We will send you a link via email to generate your certificate once the conference is over.[new]
Discussion Forum
We have prepared to all members and non members to participate in a discussion concerning about a topic given. We have also availed to our users to add new topics to discuss concerning about pediatrics and health issue. Please know that the E.P.S will not tolerate any other topics except for health and pediatrics related topics. Any political view posts made by our user will immidiately be in a black list and remove your post with out any notice. Please know that we abide by our legal rights and we will respond to your action and the consequence will be severe accordingly by the law of Ethiopia.
Our users can also flag or report a post that seems to be uncomfortable for them. Remember the posts that you post must be health or related to pediatrics issue. If you are spotted by one of our users or our system that violates the agreement, you will be put in the black list and will hold your information for good.
CPD Registration [new]
We collect basic information such as your Title, full name and email address. You are required to upload a payment receipt inorder to verify and enrol you on the training program. We strongly urge and ask that you do not make mistake when uploading your receipt, please do not upload any other picture other than the mobile banking receipt or payment receipt paper. Any other picture apart from your receipt picture will not be accepted and will automatically reject your status. We strongly urge that you carefully select and upload the screenshot of your payment.
Why do we collect your information?
- to contact you on the status of your reciept verfication whether it is rejected or accepted.
- to send a bulk email message to send you the zoom link once your uploaded receipt is accepted.
- to prepare the certificate once you finish the training.
- to send you a certificate via email
Below are some examples of acceptable screenshot uploads.
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- inorder to control the attendance, we have prepared a quiz page to make sure if you attended the training program via zoom. If you pass the quiz, you will be given the access to generate your own certificate.
- after generating your certificate please click the button download certificate
- once you click the button, your certificate will be displayed in full screen, right click and click ’save image as’... this will save your certificate on your local PC. [new]
Constitutional Law
Concerning about our law please read the full version of the Constitutional Law of the Ethiopian Pediatrics Society. (Which is written in አማሪኛ)
Changes to this agreement
EPS reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use at any time. Therefore we ask that you check and review for this agreement for such changes on an occasional basis. Should you not agree to any provision of this agreement or any changes we make to this agreement, we ask and advise that you do not use or continue to access our website.Updated on: May 2, 2023