Journey of EPS

Date posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Ethiopian Pediatric Society (EPS), founded in 1994, has been on a mission to improve the quality of pediatric care in Ethiopia. Since its establishment, EPS has focused on ensuring high standards in pediatric practice throughout the country.

  • Advocacy: EPS likely works to influence policies and practices that benefit children′s health in Ethiopia.
  • Education: They may provide educational programs and resources for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals working with children.
  • Quality Improvement: The EPS has been involved in initiatives to improve the quality of care in Ethiopian hospitals, partnering with international organizations for mentorship and training.
  • Research: The Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, the official publication of the EPS, likely plays a role in promoting research and disseminating knowledge in the field.

Overall, the EPS has likely played a significant role in advancing child health in Ethiopia over the past few decades.


"It is really commendable institution deep rooted in the heart of in the center of the national NBCH interventions having strong and close partnership with us, This institution continue serving the community appropriately everlastingly."
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"የብሄራዊ ህጻናት ጤና ቡድን ዋና አጋር የሆነው የኢትዮጵያ ህጻናት የህክምና ማህበር በታለያዩ የሥራ ዘርፎች በተላም ደግሞ የባለሙያዎችን አቅም በመገንባት አዳዲስ መረጃዎችን በጥናትና ምርምር በማፍለቅ ፤ የቴክኒካል ዎርኪንግ ግሩፕ ዋና አውታር በመሆን የሚዘጋጁ ዶክመንቶችን ስናዘጋጅ አዳድስ ሳይንተፊክ ኢቪደንሶችን መማጣት እጅግ በጣም እያገዘን ያለ ተቋም ነው፤፤"
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